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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

What are the 6 + 1 Writing Traits?

The day prior to Thanksgiving Break, a group of recent ULS alumni visited campus to share with our 7th through 12th graders how to best prepare for college.  This is a really powerful tradition because our students can relate to the young adult college students and they genuinely listen to these role models.  One of our recent alumni discussed how well prepared she was to write collegiate level papers.  She felt her writing skills were developed to a high degree from the 6 + 1 Trait process taught at ULS.  So, what is the 6 + 1 Trait process?  Why is it so effective?  Watch the following YouTube video made by a North Carolina school teacher that outlines the effective strategy.

6 + 1 Writing Traits

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

As Thanksgiving Day draws near, let's take a look at how children learn the art of gratitude.  This article offers some very simple steps parents can take to help foster a sense of gratitude in their children.  As the article points out, gratitude and empathy are tightly linked.  As children grow into adults, the more gratitude they feel the happier they tend to be.  In addition, empathy is an excellent skill that is a great indicator of personal success.

Teaching Children to Be Grateful

Thoughts of gratitude from the Lower School Gratitude Wall

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

One of the more notable charactersitics of the University Lake School cuuriculum is how public speaking is interwoven across all academic subject areas.  At ULS, students are expected to present to other students and  teachers on a daily basis.  This expectation starts from the onset of a ULS education in JK3.  The pattern of researching, creating and presenting is a constant in the ULS educational platform.  The depth and sophistication increases as students progress through the grades. The fourth grade Magnum Opus Project, 7th & 8th grade Honors Projects and the Senior Project are important ULS milestones in developing competent and confident public speakers.  Student led assemblies are also a key activity that develops public speaking skills.  Read the article below that concisely outlines why public speaking skills are as important as ever.

The freshman class organized and presented at our all school Founders Celebration.  

The Importance of Public Speaking

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Read these simple yet effective ideas to help your child with homework/study skills. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The ULS Preprimary Program and Lower School embrace the Reggio Emilia approach to education. The "Reggio" philosophy starts with the powerful belief that children are competent and capable learners.  Click below to read more about the Reggio Emilia philosophy and I am sure you will see how "Reggio" is woven into the tapestry of ULS.

Beginners Guide to Reggio Emilia